Port Locals


OCP is involved in numerous valuable community programs and projects in Port Kembla. From cooking to gardening, sewing, various interest groups, there is a wide range of projects to cover a broad range of interests.

  • Sewing for Zero Waste Group


    Are you Plastic Bag Free?

    Would you like to be involved in our Group?

    WHO ARE WE- We are a group of 3 women volunteering our time to sew donated fabrics into shopping bags of different sizes. Sew4ZeroWasteGroup was established in 2011 by a group of volunteer people that wanted to rid the environment of single-use plastic bags. Our group is part of The Port Locals groups under the umbrella of OCP (Our Community Project) Port Kembla Community Centre. We donate money made from selling our bags to Australian Seabird Rescue South Coast.

    WHERE ARE WE- We meet monthly, 1st Saturday, 10 am-2 pm in the community hall, corner of Church and Wentworth Streets Port Kembla.

    WHAT DO WE DO- we cut donated fabrics and sew into quirky, fashionable looking shopping bags of all sizes for sale from $3-$15 depending on the style. They are on display at our community hall or local fetes or on order. Also the lace veg & fruit bags with drawstrings.

    Every month we also offer a “Learn to Sew Your Own Bag” for $10.00 each or just “Learn to Sew”.

    Women & Men welcome. Fabric, thread and sewing machine to use or you could bring your own.

    We would love to have more members/volunteers for our Free Project. Don’t be shy. Give it a Go!

    CONTACT- Christine: 0408618449, Lisa: 0421162381 or OCP: 42763433

  • Tender Sewing Circle

    Tender Funeral’s Sewing Circle was established in 2018 with the assistance of a grant from CREATE NSW. It is now part of Tender’s offerings to the community through their After Care program.

    Textile artist and facilitator, Michele Elliot says ‘It is a lot of fun. We share food, drink tea, and compare craft ideas. The group sometimes works on projects together or people bring their own crafts. Sometimes people just come to sit and rest and be in good company.

    The Sewing Circle meets fortnightly on a Saturday between 1.00 – 4.00 pm, at Tender Funerals.

    For dates, details, or if you have any questions, please email Michele at info@micheleelliot.com

  • Nina Cantina's Classes

    Nina is passionate about food and community. She will be holding cooking workshops and events at the community centre.

    Please go to https://www.ninacantina.com/whats-on

    for more information about upcoming cooking events.

    She will also be teaching DIY to local Women at the community centre. Classes are on the 4th Thursday of every month from 10 am-12 pm. Nina will teach you basic skills on how to use power tools. Bring your own projects to work on and a plate to share. Contact Adrianne to book at adrianne@ocp.org.au

  • Mens Group

    The Port Kembla Men’s Group is a diverse group of men who gather at the Port Kembla Community Centre every Wednesday from 9 AM to 3 PM to drink coffee, do some gardening, woodwork projects, metalwork projects, or just visit and catch up. They also do projects to help others in the community.

    If you are interested come join us on Wednesday or call Bob on 0408393040

    Or Geoff 0439539482.

  • Wood Fired Bread Making Group

    The Port Bread Baking Group meets every second Tuesday of the month between 9.30 am and 3.00 pm at Port Kembla Community Centre, Cnr Wentworth & Church Streets, Port Kembla.

    Would you like to have a go at making your own traditional bread or join in with us to make different sorts of bread in our wood-fired oven?

  • King George Oval - Bushcare Group

    The overall aim of the King George V Planting Program is to enhance the park by providing shade, aesthetic benefits, seating, walking tracks, and habitat for native fauna, through planting programs where the community can become involved.

    We believe that this will not only increase the ownership of the park by the community but will also provide opportunities for education in sustainability.

    The planting activities provide opportunities for social interaction across the community and the result will be a place that people in the community will be more inclined to use for social interaction.

    The program supports a weekly Bushcare group and annual school planting day, with additional opportunities to support special events such as National Tree Day, Trees for Mum, and 350 days for climate action.

    The group are all volunteers from the local area and everyone is made welcome. They meet each weekend usually on a Saturday morning. If you can spare anytime even once a month your time will be greatly appreciated.

    If you would like to be involved please email kinggeorgebushcare@gmail.com

  • Laneway Garden

    The laneway project is about the gathering of local community members, reclaiming unused land, and applying permaculture techniques to grow food, friendship and knowledge.

    Over the past 10 years, the laneway has been transformed from unused grassland that constantly needed mowing, into lush productive community gardens, habitat for native wildlife, and community spaces.

    Working bees organized when needed. So if you are interested, please call the community centre on (02) 4276 3433.

  • Cringila Park Community Gardens

    Sadly our garden at Cringila Park is no longer. After numerous fires and destruction, Wollongong City Council has taken back this land.

    ​Check out the History of the garden


Culture Bank


Jam N Bread